Form Validators - Mega Webflow Template

Form validators

Custom form validators in the MegaTech template are pre-built validation functions that enhance Webflow's basic form validation capabilities.

Company Email Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Company email validator

Banned Words Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Banned words validator

Website Field Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Website field validator

Country Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Country validator

State Validator - Mega Webflow Template

State validator

Country Domain Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Country domain validator

Password Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Password validator

Phone Number Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Phone number validator

Age Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Age validator

Text Length Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Text length validator

Check Count Validator - Mega Webflow Template

Check count validator

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About the integration

The MegaTech template includes built-in custom form validators that extend Webflow's form validation capabilities. These validators enable you to apply specific rules and requirements to various form fields, ensuring data quality and improving user experience. They offer benefits such as enhanced data validation, real-time user feedback, easy customization, and reusability across your website. The template provides several validators, including company email validation, banned words checking, website URL formatting, country and state validation, password strength checking, and more. These validators can be easily applied and customized directly in the Webflow Designer, allowing you to create more robust and tailored form validation processes without the need for complex custom code or third-party plugins.

To learn how to implement this integration, please read our documentation.