Salesforce Integration - Mega Webflow Template

Salesforce integration

Connect your Salesforce account with any Webflow form.

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About the integration

This integration connects your Webflow forms directly to Salesforce using Pardot form handlers. It allows you to capture leads and customer data from your Webflow site and send it straight to your Salesforce CRM.

By using Salesforce's form handlers, you can maintain full control over your form's design in Webflow while ensuring seamless data transfer to Salesforce. This method doesn't require any third-party services, making it both cost-effective and efficient.

The setup involves creating a form handler in Salesforce and then configuring your Webflow form to send data to this handler. While it requires some careful field mapping, it offers a powerful, customizable solution for businesses looking to streamline their lead capture process.

To learn how to implement this integration, please read our documentation.